We love using archetypes. To better manipulate characterization, let's try understanding how physical traits can also translate into personality and archetype. In this lesson, we wil simply study the forehead, and see how depending on the size, as a writer we can create a better visual of a particular character.
If the physical description of you character is that their forehead is
too large,
it means that your character is
laborious but has a solid memory
Small – predispositions to avarice
Wide – Tendency to anger
Too long, very even – cruel, suspicious and vindictive
Narrow, low, prominent – energetic and enterprising
Round (convex) – gentleness
Retreating inward – egoism and weakness
Smooth and flat – middling, imagination and intelligence
Flattened, knotty, irregular – brutality, criminality
Arched – femininity
Straight – great, intellect
Unwrinkled – cold, hypocrisy
Wrinkled horizontally – softness
Set wrinkles – weak intellect
Deeply wrinkled above the eyes – slow mind
Crossed by a swollen vein – great abilities
Now, try writing a paragraph featuring two characters, combining two of these physical traits each.
Next Week: Eyes & Eyebrows